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Monday, January 12, 2009 @ 10:46 PM
Hello Xanga, Goodbye Blogger.

Goodbye Blogger. (for now)
Will be back by your side again when I get sick of Xanga.
Site is currently tagboardless. But you could leave me a comment. (:
Attached a cbox alrdy!

Sunday, January 4, 2009 @ 8:58 PM
Cycling with sissies (8

Finally, after a million years of asking "dad, when are we going cycling?", Dad brought sissies and I to ECP to cycle. Woohoo. Prisci rode her noisy "motorbike" (4-wheeled bike). So noisy until Meimei avoided riding near her HAHAHA. My meimei is a cheater bug. Everytime she tries to overtake us but fail to do so, she pretends that she's tired and stops cycling so Prisci and I will stop to check on her, then she'd suddenly be not tired anymore and chiong ahead of us. -.- On the way, we saw a band playing.

I thought it was some secondary school band but at a closer look, they were all AUNTIES AND UNCLES. LOL. So lame! -.-

Kk anw, I have very outdated updates. Had lunch with Sha at Swenson's on new yr's eve. I know right. Going out on new yr's eve just for lunch at Swenson's?! I can sense you giving me the diao face. Found some random and outdated pics in his phone. Some frm my phone too. Did I mention I hate my phone? t(-.-)t

Picture in picture.

I take peekture of you!

Farwell party - Me, Sha, Jannah

And the most impt photo of all.
The Chen brothers say, "join us in the ACC today!"

School tmr. Noooooo don't wanna carry textbooks to school. ):

If I had a wish...
I'd wish for an unlimited supply of wishes and then I'd wish I had an umlimited supply of printer ink and it goes on and on. Haiiiiiiiiiiii. *annoyed*

Friday, January 2, 2009 @ 10:54 PM
First day of school

My first day of school was mixed with happiness + excitement + anger + many many mixed feelings, yo. Lyndsey (new classmate) did end up in 3E afterall. Woohoo! She's really nice (and she's the hot topic of the guys now). Hahahah. Oh, and Weeheng wore contacts!!!!!!!!!!! :O D: :S :) :(

After school was good. I played Pet Society for a good 2hrs. (:
Then things went bad, wild, crazy after I recieved Stella's call. And then we ended up laughing at Takashimaya 5bux. (inside joke) What a roller coaster ride! Lesson learnt: Even if you're not strong, ACT STRONG. -____- *phew*

At night, webcamed with Yong Bai Chi and pwned Xuaohao's ass in Minesweeper. Heh.

By the way, the answer to the quzi in my previous post is....

LOLOL. I find it so funny. Shannon thought it was a hippo too. (:


Thursday, January 1, 2009 @ 12:00 AM
Couldn't finish what I started

Okay, maybe posting the 500th post on New Year sounds more appropriate.


HAHAHA. Right. Not the main point.

2008 was like a roller coaster ride. All the ups and downs and upsidedowns made the ride worthwhile. Thanks for the memories, be it sweet or bitter. Love you Boob Dynasty, 2e'08, friends, acquiantances, strangers, passer-bys. In my heart always. Luv you all. (:

Kkk new year resolutions:
- Learn the guitar.
- 200 orders for Thatskewl :D
- Play more songs on the keyboard (How To Save A Life, here I come)
- Grow taller :B
- Not be last in class for HCL again -.-
(err, haven't thought of the rest yet)

New year wishes for friends:
- May Nadzirah and I last longer than some unloving couple. (:
- May Stella be the first to sign Yasmeen's to-be-cast. LOL.
- May Owen wait at Parkway forever for an ice cream treat.
- May Joelle find her 15cm(or was it 14?) heels ASAP.
- May Jiaying meet her Wangzi in Taiwan one day. -.-
- May Joshua not name his band Powerpuff Boys.
- May Wingleng stop acting cute :B
- May Junjie's brain grow smaller and smaller by the day.
- May Joel pass English. LOL just kidding.
- May Shannon buy me a popsicle thumbdrive.
- May Weirui get attached to someone who thinks he's handsome.
- May Raynor stop chionging GA. So lame!
- May Gabriel be happy. Here for you always, yo. (:
... and the list goes on.

And of course, may I receive my reply from Santa soon *wink* :D

Sorry for all the sins I've commited I've done e.g. blocking you guys on MSN. So I've unblocked every one of you already, except you dad. I'm sorry. (: And sorry I couldn't finish what I started.

Anyway, here's a quiz for you...

What's this pink figure?
Is it a hippo? Elephant? Or what?
Answer will be revealed in the next post!
Winner gets a prize :D


School tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008 @ 7:13 PM
Sarah was here FIRST!

First and foremost, I'm proud to announce that....

IN YOUR FACE, STELLA! Heeheeheehee.
Joelle signed after I did, so I guess you'll have to be third or even fourth or maybe even fifth unless you come to school at 6.30am on Friday. (:

Okay, so today was supposedly a class outing but yeah, you know what'll always happen. Yas was supposed to return me the $4 worth of coins I gave her earlier on, so she conveniently emptied her coin pouch and unknowingly gave me $8 worth of coins. So smart ah. -.- I could have been a few dollars richer today! But thou shalt not sin. I returned her the excessive amt ok. (: Watched Twilight (FINALLY!!!) at CS. I wanna become a vampire :B After the movie, we splitted up. Boys stayed at Tampines to shop (YES, you heard me right) and girls went to Bugis to eat and shop while I had to go home to babysit sissy. ): During the journey on the mrt, we were talking abt the real Ah Meng and the fake Ah Meng, then thr was this old uncle eavesdropping on us and chuckling to himself. LOL. Ok I know, not funny. -.-

Shall publish my 500th post on the first day of school, heh. Ciao.

Sunday, December 28, 2008 @ 1:36 AM
Shuffle Quiz

Tagged by Erfi Azhaaaaaar!

Name twenty people whose names are the first ones that comes into mind. In any order, be it in order of closeness or random but the first five spaces being the closest to you and are your very good friends.

5 isn't enough for me! All 20 are equal, okay? :D

1. Starelah Goh Jia Ying
2. Seah Owen
3. Shannon Tan Min Kiat
4. Joshua Tan Kai En
5. Chen Junjie
6. Lum Wing Leng
7. Joel Tay Da Yuan
8. Yong Bai Chi (Kunjie)
9. Puah Jun Peng
10. Tan Xuan Bao
11. Lee Jing Yong
12. Raynor Weeeeeeee~ Peng Yu
13. Wendy Ngo Si Jia
14. Joelle Yeo Xian Jing
15. Ng Jia Ying
16. Yasmeen Munira
17. Zulhaqqim Awaruddin
18. Nadzirah Hubby(LOL)
19. Chia Wen Hui
20. Lau Quan Feng

Now turn on your media player and put it on shuffle mode. For every question, play the next song to get the answers. Use the song title as the answer and give your interpretation of it.

What do you think numbers 7,15 and 19 think of you? (Joel, Jiaying, Quanfeng)
Stuck In America - Sugarcult
Right. More like stuck in Singapore. -___-

If you were to get married with 4... How do you think she/he would feel? (Joshua)
Can't Let You Go - Jesse McCartney

If 7 were to say that he/she no longer want to be associated with you... what would you do? (Joel)
Honestly - Lumidee
Honestly, he must be lying :)

1 has not been talking to you lately. What would you do to get him/her back talking? (Stella)
Unbelievable - Craig David
Nah, it won't happen. It's unbelievable and impossible that Stella will not talk to me keke :D

20 told 16 who told 4 who told 8 your big secret. How would you clear things up? (Quanfeng, Yasmeen, Joshua, Kunjie)
Jian Jian Dan Dan - Lin Jun Jie
I'd clear things up in a simple way? Yeah.

13 told you that he/she loves you oh so deeply. Your next plan is... (Wendy)
What's Your Name - Jesse McCartney

2 is said to have died from a serious illness. What will be his/her last words be to you before she/he died? (Owen)
Over Now - Busted
Yeah, I guess everything'd be over. He means alot to me! ):

11 and 12 asked you to join them to kill someone. What might happen to the three of you? (Jingyong & Raynor)
True - Ryan Cabrera
NO LINK!!! -.-

5 jumps down from a high building and you are down on the ground safe but sees that he/she is heading for you. What will be the last thing you would scream to him/her before impact? (Junjie)
8 Become 1 - Norwegian Recycling
"8 of your brain become 1 also won't be bigger than my fist" :)

Your perceptions if 1 & 5 got married. (Stella & Junjie)
Secret Valentine - We The Kings
They secretly went out on a date on Valentine's day which resulted in them getting married? :B

If 8-20 fought you. What will you do? (Kunjie to Quanfeng)
I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
Err, it means "bring it on" in a nice way I suppose.

What if you are dead. What would 7 say to 11? (Joel & Jingyong)
When The Sun Goes Down - Arctic Monkeys
"When the sun goes down, let's go lan" -.-

First impressions of you when 1-20 first met you.
Say Goodbye - Chris Brown
Noooooooooo don't leave me. ):

Overall, you think 1-20 are...
Anthem Part 2 - Blink 182
They're a part of my Anthem :)
.... whatever that meant.

Thursday, December 25, 2008 @ 10:12 PM
Stella the red nose reindeer

Went to Stella's house today on a mission to take revenge on P.bad (HAHA). This is just the appetiser, yo. Wait till she tastes the main dish. Hate her hate her. Hope the snow sucks her in and Mr. Grinch will take all her christmas presents away, and I'll laugh in her face! Ha! Ha! HA!

Anyway, Nora (Stella's maid) is still as funny as ever and Stella's mucus couldn't stop flowing. Lolol. Left after awhile to somewhere. Make a guess! LET'S PLAY HANGMAN. 2 words:

M _ _ _ _ _ _ C _ _ _ _ _

A vowel, anyone? Do I hear a "H"?
Ok lemme give you a hint. You can't see anything if you go there in the night and it smells. The building's mostly green and err, the counter girl there pronounces "level" as "lebal". Winner gets a round of applause :D Proceeded on to Chinatown after that and found the best christmas gift ever!!!! What can I say? Santa just luvs us! Heh.

That's how I spent my christmas, with Stella the red nose reindeer. (:
What's kewl? Thatskewl.

@ 12:00 AM
Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa...

I've been a good girl this yr, and I'm definitely nt on the naughty list, unlike someone. *thinks about how Springy got into a coma in The Coma* (inside joke) So my main point is, Lummy shouldn't get a present for christmas this year. He's been a bad boy, so bad to the extent tht he actually sent you to send the christmas ghosts to haunt me in my dreams, and the worst part is you actually helped him! What a naughty Santa you've been! However, I'm a very forgiving person, so I shall spare you. Okay fine, I shall spare Lummy too, since he's gonna get me a paper clip (everyone please give the 'lame' face) for christmas. He said it's the thought that counts, so I'm getting him 2 paper clips! How nice is that? He gave me 1 thought, but I gave him 2 thoughts! See, told you I've been a good girl this yr. Now, do I get a present for that? I won't ask for much. Just 56 tour members for my BOTB will do. (:

Love, the best Sarah on Earth!
(maybe there's another best Sarah on Mars, heehee)

Anyway, I'll post again later.
Most prolly Gonna "celebrate x'mas" with Stella.
*evil laughter*
Ciao. (: